Fashionable masks may look good - but how can you tell if they protect against COVID-19?

Fashionable masks may look good - but how can you tell if they protect – Beyond The Vines Indonesia Skip to content

Fashionable masks may look good - but how can you tell if they protect against COVID-19?

By CNA Lifestyle on 25 May 2021

SINGAPORE: For those who worry about how they look, a reusable cloth mask that comes with a unique pattern or a branding logo offers more potential than a plain, disposable alternative. 

But it can be more difficult to determine whether a reusable mask picked up in a clothes shop or online can protect the user, compared with a single-use mask that has typically passed certain certifications to be sold. 

With the new mask recommendations from the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) and Ministry of Health (MOH), those who choose to wear reusable masks over single-use masks may wonder if their masks meet the mark. 

On May 18, MOH recommended that members of the public wear masks with better filtration capabilities with community cases of COVID-19 on the rise, likely due to new variants of the coronavirus. The reusable masks issued by the People’s Association and Temasek Foundation have good filtration efficiency, the Health Ministry said. 

But what about the many brands that have launched their own reusable masks over the past year? CNA reached out to several that are popular to find out whether their masks meet the recommended standards. 

Local brand Beyond the Vines launched its reusable masks last year. The masks are made of “super soft jersey material”, a rayon blend, said the brand’s spokesperson. 

The mask has two layers and includes a pocket for filters. Every mask will come with two pieces of PM2.5 activated carbon filter inserts from May 25, said the spokesperson. 

Read more here.


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