Promotions | First-Time Customer Reward

Promotions | First-Time Customer Reward – Beyond The Vines Indonesia Skip to content



Customer Reward

Ready to join The Vine Club?

Don't be a stranger, we're keeping you close!

Joining The Vine Club gets you RP100K off your first BTV order with a minimum spend of RP1Mio and BTV point accumulation across your future BTV orders that are exchangeable for cash vouchers (You heard that right!).


How it works:

1. Be part of The Vine Club here!

2. A love letter is sent to your email with a lil’ code.

3. Enter the code at checkout & get RP100K off your order with a min. spend of RP1Mio!

4. Collect those points! Each purchase allows you to accumulate BTV points that are exchangeable for cash vouchers. (I know, tell me about it!)

5. First-time codes are not extended to exchanges or returns.

Fancy to be a part of the club? Check it out here or read our FAQs on how to use your BTV points.

*First-time codes are not extended to exchanges or returns. This offer is valid on

Ready to join The Vine Club?

Don't be a stranger, we're keeping you close!

Joining The Vine Club gets you RP100K off your first BTV order with a minimum spend of RP1Mio and BTV point accumulation across your future BTV orders that are exchangeable for cash vouchers (You heard that right!).


How it works:

1. Be part of The Vine Club here!

2. A love letter is sent to your email with a lil’ code.

3. Enter the code at checkout & get RP100K off your order with a min. spend of RP1Mio!

4. Collect those points! Each purchase allows you to accumulate BTV points that are exchangeable for cash vouchers. (I know, tell me about it!)

5. First-time codes are not extended to exchanges or returns.

Fancy to be a part of the club? Check it out here or read our FAQs on how to use your BTV points.

*First-time codes are not extended to exchanges or returns. This offer is valid on

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